Mastering your Computer Keyboard….

Scorefield Bello
5 min readOct 6, 2023


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Keyboard Shortcuts a. Copy, Cut, and Paste b. Undo and Redo c. Select All and Deselect d. Save and Print
  3. Text Editing Shortcuts a. Moving the Cursor b. Editing Text c. Formatting Text
  4. System and File Shortcuts a. Opening Files and Folders b. Managing Windows c. System Functions
  5. Web Browsing Shortcuts a. General Web Navigation b. Tab Management c. Search and URL Bar
  6. Productivity Shortcuts a. Microsoft Office b. Adobe Creative Suite c. Coding and Development
  7. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In today’s fast-paced digital world, mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. Whether you’re a student, professional, or casual computer user, knowing the right shortcuts can save you time and effort. This article will provide an extensive guide to keyboard shortcuts, covering basic functions, text editing, system operations, web browsing, and productivity software.

2. Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

a. Copy, Cut, and Paste

  • Copy: Ctrl + C (Windows) / Command + C (Mac)
  • Cut: Ctrl + X (Windows) / Command + X (Mac)
  • Paste: Ctrl + V (Windows) / Command + V (Mac)

Learn how to copy, cut, and paste text and files effortlessly.

b. Undo and Redo

  • Undo: Ctrl + Z (Windows) / Command + Z (Mac)
  • Redo: Ctrl + Y (Windows) / Command + Y (Mac)

Discover how to reverse and redo your actions quickly.

c. Select All and Deselect

  • Select All: Ctrl + A (Windows) / Command + A (Mac)
  • Deselect: Ctrl + D (Windows) / Command + D (Mac)

Select or deselect all text or items in a document or folder with ease.

d. Save and Print

  • Save: Ctrl + S (Windows) / Command + S (Mac)
  • Print: Ctrl + P (Windows) / Command + P (Mac)

Efficiently save your work and print documents without using menus.

3. Text Editing Shortcuts

a. Moving the Cursor

  • Move to the beginning of a line: Home
  • Move to the end of a line: End
  • Move to the beginning of a document: Ctrl + Home (Windows) / Command + Up Arrow (Mac)
  • Move to the end of a document: Ctrl + End (Windows) / Command + Down Arrow (Mac)

Navigate text swiftly within documents.

b. Editing Text

  • Delete the previous word: Ctrl + Backspace (Windows) / Option + Delete (Mac)
  • Delete the next word: Ctrl + Delete (Windows) / Fn + Delete (Mac)
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z (Windows) / Command + Z (Mac)
  • Redo: Ctrl + Y (Windows) / Command + Y (Mac)

Effortlessly edit and manage text content.

c. Formatting Text

  • Bold: Ctrl + B (Windows) / Command + B (Mac)
  • Italicize: Ctrl + I (Windows) / Command + I (Mac)
  • Underline: Ctrl + U (Windows) / Command + U (Mac)

Apply text formatting with keyboard shortcuts.

4. System and File Shortcuts

a. Opening Files and Folders

  • Open File Explorer (Windows): Windows key + E
  • Open Finder (Mac): Command + Space, then type “Finder” and Enter

Quickly access files and folders on your computer.

b. Managing Windows

  • Switch between open applications: Alt + Tab (Windows) / Command + Tab (Mac)
  • Minimize all windows: Windows key + D (Windows) / Command + Option + M (Mac)
  • Close the active window: Alt + F4 (Windows) / Command + W (Mac)

Efficiently manage and navigate between open windows.

c. System Functions

  • Lock your computer (Windows): Windows key + L
  • Open Task Manager (Windows): Ctrl + Shift + Esc
  • Open System Preferences (Mac): Command + Space, then type “System Preferences” and Enter

Access system functions and settings effortlessly.

5. Web Browsing Shortcuts

a. General Web Navigation

  • Refresh the page: F5 (Windows) / Command + R (Mac)
  • Go back: Backspace (Windows) / Command + Left Arrow (Mac)
  • Go forward: Shift + Backspace (Windows) / Command + Right Arrow (Mac)

Browse the web more efficiently with these shortcuts.

b. Tab Management

  • Open a new tab: Ctrl + T (Windows) / Command + T (Mac)
  • Switch between tabs: Ctrl + Tab (Windows) or Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down (Windows) / Command + Option + Right/Left Arrow (Mac)
  • Close the current tab: Ctrl + W (Windows) / Command + W (Mac)

Optimize your tab management in web browsers.

c. Search and URL Bar

  • Focus on the search or URL bar: Ctrl + L (Windows) / Command + L (Mac)
  • Open a new tab and focus on the URL bar: Ctrl + E (Windows) / Command + Option + F (Mac)

Navigate the web and perform searches more efficiently.

6. Productivity Shortcuts

a. Microsoft Office

  • Microsoft Word: Bold: Ctrl + B (Windows) / Command + B (Mac)
  • Microsoft Excel: Insert a new row: Ctrl + Shift + + (Windows) / Command + + (Mac)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint: Start the presentation: F5 (Windows) / Shift + Command + Enter (Mac)

Improve productivity when using Microsoft Office applications.

b. Adobe Creative Suite

  • Adobe Photoshop: Undo: Ctrl + Z (Windows) / Command + Z (Mac)
  • Adobe Illustrator: Duplicate the selected object: Ctrl + C (Windows) / Command + C (Mac) and Ctrl + F (Windows) / Command + F (Mac)
  • Adobe Premiere Pro: Add an edit point: Ctrl + K (Windows) / Command + K (Mac)

Enhance your workflow in Adobe Creative Suite programs.

c. Coding and Development

  • Code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code): Save: Ctrl + S (Windows) / Command + S (Mac)
  • Terminal: Clear the screen: Ctrl + L (Windows) / Command + K (Mac)
  • Version Control (e.g., Git): Commit changes: Ctrl + Enter (Windows) / Command + Enter (Mac)

Streamline your coding and development tasks.

7. Conclusion

Mastering keyboard shortcuts is an invaluable skill that can save you time and effort in various computing tasks. Whether you’re working with text, managing files, browsing the web, or using productivity software, these shortcuts can significantly enhance your efficiency. Practice and incorporate

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Scorefield Bello



Scorefield Bello
Scorefield Bello

Written by Scorefield Bello

Helping businesses achieve goals with my expertise. | Business Developer | Website Developer | Marketing & Sales Analyst | Digital Tutor | Freelancer👨‍💻

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